Everytime We Live Together We Die a Bit More
A. CallierEverybody wants one
Everybody’s got one
Everybody wants to be loved
Everybody wants one
Everybody’s got one
Everybody wants to be loved
Is it you who’s going to guide me
Through this labyrinth of poems
Is it you that’s going to make me
Gonna make me feel home
And every time we live together
We just die a bit more
So why don’t we just stop
Oh let’s just stop to adore
Is it so hard
To make the right choice

The magnificent tree
- Autoharp
- Mad About You
- Waves
- Jackie Cane
- The Magnificent Tree
- Vinegar & Salt
- Frosted Flake Wood
- Everytime We Live Together We Die a Bit More
- Out of Sight
- Pink Fluffy Dinosaurs
- L'Odeur animale